
  • G. Narendra kumar Faculty of Bio and Chemical Engineering, Department of Biotechnology, Sathyabama University, Chennai-600 119.
  • Selva Kumar Rasi Nutri Foods, Namakkal- 636 301
  • S. Vimalan Rasi Nutri Foods, Namakkal- 636 301
  • P. Prakash Faculty of Bio and Chemical Engineering, Department of Biotechnology, Sathyabama University, Chennai-600 119
  • S. Nandagopal Faculty of Bio and Chemical Engineering, Department of Biotechnology, Sathyabama University, Chennai-600 119
  • R. barani Kumar Faculty of Bio and Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioinformatics, Sathyabama University, Chennai-600119


Desmodium gangeticum, Nil, Anti-oxidant activity, IAA, IBA, BAP, Kinetin


Objective: Desmodium gangeticum (Linn.) DC of Fabaceae is the vital plant used in ancient medicinal system of Ayurveda which was originated in India. This plant was reported to be a good result on cardiac system and nervous system. It has an ability to cures burning sensation, fever, cough, difficult breathing, dysentery, thirst and vomiting. D. gangeticum has also been reported to contain alkaloids, flavone and isoflavanoid glycosides. The plant has been reported to contain gangetin, a pterocarpnoid shown to possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities. The potent in vitro antioxidant activity of the 50% hydroalcoholic (total) extract. Phenolics are reported to be good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. Since the plant under investigation is reported to contain both alkaloids and flavones along with isoflavanoid glycosides. The useful part is the root and it is an important ingredient in more than 50 Ayurvedic formulations like Chyavanaprasam, Dhanuantharam kuzhambu, Dasamularishtam etc. The objectives of the work is to optimize the maximum callus production by Desmodium ganageticum using response surface methodology (RSM) by developing an empirical model with different combination of Hormones and Growth promotes (IAA, IBA, BAP, and Kinetin) which were selected as the parameters.

Methods: Different medium were screened for the maximum callus production and Murashige and Skoog was selected in which different range of hormones and growth promotes were added. The model evaluates the effect of each independent variable to a response. The mathematical relationship of the independent variables and the response can be calculated by the quadratic polynomial equation. The anti-oxidant activity was analyzed.

Results: Models were developed by Central composite design (CCD) with the selected parameters. The regression analysis (R2) of RSM showed 97%. The optimal conditions for the maximal callus yield were IAA - 3, IBA - 0.5, BAP - 0.75 and Kinetin - 0.75.The work reported is a novel concept of combining the statistical modeling for an improved yield of callus of Desmodium gangeticum. The antioxidant activity of the intact plant compared which callus by superoxide scavenging, Hydroxy radical scavenging activity, Lipid peroxide assay, Nitric oxide radical inhibition activity.

Conclusion: The development of rapid and efficient method for media preparation was established using RSM-CCD.



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How to Cite

Narendra kumar, G., S. Kumar, S. Vimalan, P. Prakash, S. Nandagopal, and R. barani Kumar. “OPTIMIZATION OPTIMIZATION OF GROWTH PROMOTERS ON DESMODIUM GANGETICUM (L) DC USING RSM-CCD AND ITS ANTIOXIDANTS ACTIVITYOF GROWTH PROMOTERS ON DESMODIUM GANGETICUM (L) DC USING RSM-CCD AND ITS ANTIOXIDANTS ACTIVITY”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 8, Aug. 2014, pp. 503-7, https://journals.innovareacademics.in/index.php/ijpps/article/view/1596.



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