
  • Zamharira Muslim Faculty of Pharmacy, Andalas University
  • Helmi Arifin Faculty of Pharmacy, Andalas University
  • Nasrul Zubir Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Andalas University/DR. M. Djamil General National Hospital, Padang


Cirrhosis, Spironolactone, Furosemide, Ascites, Blood Electrolyte


Objective: This study was to compare the effects of spironolactone and combination with furosemide on blood electrolyte levels and ascites fluid in patients with cirrhosis. [G1] 

Methods: This research was undertaken with prospectively experimental analysis on a limited population in DR. M Djamil General National Hospital, Padang. We include 11 patients with spironolactone used and 13 patients with combination spironolactone-furosemide utilized.

Results: The percentage of patients who experienced blood electrolyte disturbances with the use of spironolactone was hyponatremia 72.72%, hypernatremia 0%, hypokalemia 45.45%, hyperkalemia 9.09%, hypocalcemia 9.09%, hypercalcemia 18.18%. The percentage of blood electrolyte disturbances on the use of a combination of spironolactone-furosemide hyponatremia was 100%, hypernatremia 0%, hypokalemia 23.07%, hyperkalemia 7.69%, hypocalcemia 15.38%, hypercalcemia 0%. A reduction in body weight and abdominal circumference patients before and after use of spironolactone-furosemide combination is significant (p=0.000). [G2] [G3] 

Conclusion: The effects of spironolactone and combination with furosemide to the blood electrolyte levels in this study showed that the highest percentage of impaired blood electrolyte is hyponatremia and hypocalcemia. Spironolactone-furosemide combination therapy for weight-loss and abdominal circumference better than the single use of spironolactone.



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How to Cite

Muslim, Z., H. Arifin, and N. Zubir. “COMPARATIV EEFFECTS OF SPIRONOLACTONE AND COMBINATION WITH FUROSEMIDE OF ASCITES FLUID AND BLOOD ELECTROLYTE IN CIRRHOSIS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 2015, pp. 176-9,



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