
  • S. P. Dhanabal JSS College of Pharmacy
  • Namrita Lall University of Pretoria
  • N. Pavithra Project Assistant, DST-Indo-African Project, Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytopharmacy, JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty
  • M. V. N. L. Chaitanya JSS College of Pharmacy


Tuberculosis, Antitubercular drug discovery, Traditional healers, Drug discovery


There is a very much need for a discovery of new molecules a potent molecule that can cure tuberculosis and prevent the recurrence. A multidisciplinary approach is required to procure a potent bioactive compound and this includes expertise in the fields of ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology and Phytochemistry. The present communication acts as a bioprospecting source for the drug discovery against tuberculosis, including several anti tubercular agents which is used by used by tribal people and prescribed by THPS which showed a good inhibition rate. Therefore, this review strives to describe the literature on the traditional plants/potent molecules those have been proved to have antimicrobial activity and to provide essential discussion and accelerate the research.



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How to Cite

Dhanabal, S. P., N. Lall, N. Pavithra, and M. V. N. L. Chaitanya. “NATURAL PRODUCTS AS AN IMPORTANT LEADS FOR DISCOVERY OF NEW ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS: A REVIEW”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Oct. 2015, pp. 2-7,



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