
  • MONICA REGINA GUIMARAES DOS SANTOS Faculdade Bezerra de Araujo
  • JESSICA HELLEN SOUZA DA SILVA Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UERJ
  • MARINA LETICIA DO CARMO CAXITO Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro UFRJ


Schinus terebinthifolius, Anacardiaceae, Antimicrobial, Plant extracts


Populations all over the world make use of medicinal plants to treat health problems. Plants are pertaining to the Anacardiaceae family which largely occur throughout Brazil, such as the Schinus terenbithifolius Raddi species, commonly known as aroeira, have been adopted in Brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of countless diseases and have also been indicated and studied as an antimicrobial agent. Several parts of the plant such as the leaves, the fruits and barks have their antimicrobial activity attested. The indication for the part of the plant to be used as an antimicrobial for folk medicine is yet to be made clear. Several parts are used and in some cases, for similar ends. There are no conclusive studies that describe the difference in antimicrobial action from each plant part. In this review, we investigated the antimicrobial activity of the Schinus terenbithifolius Raddi and then the information available in the literature was organized. The antimicrobial activity described in scientific publications according to the plant parts applied and the type of extract acquired in order to determine such activity.


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