
  • Nyi Mekar Saptarini School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Marlia Singgih Wibowo Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Tutus Gusdinar Institut Teknologi Bandung


Chronic patients, Increased ESR, RA monitoring, Nil


Objective: The present study aims to determine the correlation between age, disease duration, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) among the Indonesian rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients.

Methods: The subject was the Indonesian RA patients and healthy control subjects. We were determined the correlation between age, disease duration, and ESR uses statistical analysis. The subjects who participated in the present study are patients who visit the Rheumatology clinic at one governmental hospital in Bandung City, Indonesia. ESR was determined by the modified Westergren's method. R software was conducted to data analysis.

Results: The number of subjects was 16.17% of men and 83.33% of women with the range from 20 to 77 y old. All patients received the combination of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, analgesic, and corticosteroid. The average of disease duration was 8.08+5.73 y. The experimental ESR of the RA patients were 22.50+12.23 mm/h for men and 31.75+15.03 mm/h for women. This value is only slightly higher than the normal value. We suggested that treatment with combination therapy can maintain the ESR.

Conclusion: Spearman's correlation showed that there is no correlation between age and disease duration (rho = 0.325), between age and ESR (rho =-0.285), and between disease duration and ESR (rho = 0.039).



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How to Cite

Saptarini, N. M., M. S. Wibowo, and T. Gusdinar. “CORRELATION STUDY OF AGE, DISEASE DURATION, AND ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE AMONG THE INDONESIAN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Nov. 2015, pp. 274-7,



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