
  • Yener Özen Head of Special Education Teaching Department, Faculty Member of Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department, Faculty of Education, Prof. Dr. Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, Türkiye. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1147-0246




Social work, Belief in a just world, Trauma


The Ministry of Family and Social Services is trying to implement effective and efficient social service models by trying to reach every member of the society, with the mission of developing and implementing holistic and fair social service models for the protection, strengthening and development of the individual, the family and our social values. The Ministry of Family and Social Services, which adopts supply-oriented working as a principle while reaching individuals, constitutes a large part of the working area of disadvantaged, fragmented families in need of social and economic support, and women, children and disabled individuals. Establishing the necessary communication with the families in question, carrying out the professional work, determining and implementing the appropriate social work model are among the job descriptions of the professional staff working as psychological counselors, psychologists, social workers, sociologists and teachers working under the ministry. Considering the family structures and case details of the mentioned professionals, they have witnessed many traumatic experiences directly or indirectly; The main purpose of this study is to examine how they look at events, how they keep their psychological well-being in balance or for what reasons, and how the just world belief systems affect all these experiences.


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How to Cite

Özen, Y. (2023). EXAMINATION OF THE FAIR WORLD BELIEF OF PROFESSIONALS WORKING AT THE MINISTRY OF SOCIAL SERVICES. Innovare Journal of Social Sciences, 11(5), 6–10. https://doi.org/10.22159/ijss.2023.v11i5.48744



Review Article(s)