
  • AMRITA KUMARI Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India.
  • SUMAN SHARMA Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India.



Cadmium chloride, Curcumin, Protective, Oxidative stress, Pollutant


Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the protective effect of curcumin against cadmium chloride (CdCl2)-induced toxicity in lungs of albino mice.

Methods: Albino mice were divided into eight groups and five mice were kept in each group. The experiment was carried out for 15 and 45 days. Group 1 mice were kept as control. Group 2 mice were given an oral dose of 1 mg/kg body weight of cadmium chloride on alternate days. Group 3 mice were administered an oral dose of 1 mg/kg body weight of cadmium chloride on alternate days and 100 mg/kg body weight of curcumin daily. Group 4 mice were received an oral dose of 100 mg/kg body weight of curcumin daily. Autopsies were done on 15 and 45 days post-treatment.

Results: The results of the present study showed a significant decrease in organ weight at both the intervals. Biochemical analysis showed decline in total glycogen, cholesterol, and protein concentration in lung of cadmium chloride-treated mice. Furthermore, the cadmium chloride concentration in cadmium chloride-treated group was increased in comparison to the control group. However, the treatment with curcumin ameliorated cadmium chloride-induced changes in lung tissue as it instigated the antioxidant enzymes remarkably. However, cotreatment of cadmium chloride with curcumin boosted the changes due to cadmium chloride.

Conclusion: Hence, we concluded that curcumin has protective efficacy in the lungs against the cadmium chloride generated toxicity in albino mice.



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How to Cite

KUMARI, A., and S. SHARMA. “CURCUMIN PROTECTION AGAINST CADMIUM CHLORIDE-INDUCED BIOCHEMICAL ALTERATIONS IN LUNGS OF SWISS ALBINO MICE”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 13, no. 6, June 2020, pp. 103-7, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2020.v13i6.37463.



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