Grape seed extract, Proanthocyanidin, Microhardness, Root canal dentinAbstract
Objective: Grape seed extract (GSE) containing proanthocyanidin as a root canal irrigation solution has its antibacterial effects and ability to eliminate
the smear layer. In addition, proanthocyanidin acts as a cross-linking agent of collagen, which adds to dentin’s mechanical properties. This study
analyzed the effect of GSE containing 2.9% proanthocyanidin on the microhardness of the dentin in the root canal.
Methods: Fifty teeth were divided into three groups and immersed in GSE solution, 3% NaOCl solution, or distilled water (controls) for 30 min for 3
consecutive days. The microhardness was measured using the Vickers method. Data were analyzed using the Kruskal–Wallis test.
Results: The GSE group presented the highest microhardness values, whereas the lowest values in the NaOCl group. No significant difference in
microhardness observed between the GSE and distilled water groups.
Conclusion: The GSE solution maintains the microhardness of the root canal dentin.
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