
  • MUTHADI RADHIKA REDDY GITAM Institute of Pharmacy (Deemed to Be University), Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, Department of Pharmaceutics, Guru Nanak Institute of Technical Campus, Hyderabad, Telangana, India https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8205-4915
  • KUMAR SHIVA GUBBIYAPPA GITAM School of Pharmacy (Deemed to Be University), Hyderabad, Telangana, India




Su-SNEDDS, Supersaturation, Bioavailability, Precipitation inhibitors, Cancer, Poorly aqueous solubility, Nanotechnology


The most fundamental important extensive constitutive of drug molecules to be available for systemic absorption is aqueous solubility; subsequently, that is the nature of GIT fluid. When the drug molecules become solubilized, it has to reach the systemic circulation via the biological membrane. The solubility problem of many effective pharmaceutical molecules is still one of the major challenges in the formulation of this molecule. Drug molecules that belong to class II have a problem in bioavailability mainly due to low aqueous solubility and the rate-limiting step is the dissolution process and so electing of suitable drug delivery and proper additives are decisive to overcome this major obstruction and promote the fraction that will reach the systemic circulation. Among the different lipid-based systems, the su-SNEDDSs have gained attention because the inclusion of precipitation inhibitors within su-SNEDDSs helps maintain drug supersaturation after dispersion and digestion in the gastrointestinal tract. This enhances the bioavailability of drugs and minimizes the variability of exposure. Nowadays, supersaturable self-nano emulsifying and nano lipid-based drug delivery systems have constrained a substantial concern from pharmaceutical scientists for managing the oral delivery of poorly water-soluble compounds. By following oral administration, self-nano emulsifying drug delivery systems show complex aqueous dispersion and digestion in the GIT and enduring intestinal lymphatic transport, exorbitant pre-absorptive metabolism by gut membrane-bound cytochrome enzymes and preventing P-gp mediated drug efflux.

Mostly these processes result in drug supersaturation, which leads to increased absorption or the high drug concentrations may cause precipitation with capricious and variable oral bioavailability. This procession review briefly summarized drug supersaturation obtained from self-nano emulsifying and other lipid-based formulations and this review also delineate the effects of numerous physiological factors and the probable interactions between PIs and lipid, lipase or lipid digested products on the in vivo performance of su-SNEDDS and focuses on reviewing the application of su-SNEDDS in enhancing the solubility and bioavailability of anti-cancer drugs in cancer therapy.


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How to Cite

REDDY, M. R., & GUBBIYAPPA, K. S. (2022). A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON SUPERSATURABLE SELF-NANO EMULSIFYING DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM: A POTENTIAL STRATEGY FOR DRUGS WITH POOR ORAL BIOAVAILABILITY. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 14(3), 16–33. https://doi.org/10.22159/ijap.2022v14i3.44178



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