Cytogenetic, Bioceramic, Silicone, Methacrylate resin, MicronucleiAbstract
Objective: Biocompatibility refers to the manner in which materials respond to living cells and includes cytotoxicity, cytogenicity, genotoxicity, and
carcinogenicity. To determine cytogenicity, we count the micronuclei that form after applying materials to living cells. Sealer is a chemical material
that can be directly contacted in periapical tissue and is potentially cytogenetic. Bioceramic, silicon, and methacrylate resin sealers have ingredients
that are potentially cytogenetic. We examined the interactions of these sealers with lymphocyte T-cells.
Methods: We counted the number of micronuclei following treatment with bioceramic, silicone, and methacrylate resin sealers on lymphocyte T-cells
at 1, 3, and 7 days.
Results: The micronuclei scores associated with bioceramic and silicone sealers were lower than methacrylate resin (p<0.05) between days 1, 3, and 7.
The micronuclei scores of bioceramic and silicone sealers on day 1 were higher than on days 3 and 7. There were no significant between-group
differences for bioceramic and silicone sealers on days 3 and 7. The highest micronuclei score for methacrylate resin was on day 1.
Conclusion: Bioceramic and silicone sealers were less cytogenetic than methacrylate resin sealer. However, all of the sealers produce micronuclei on
days 1, 3, and 7.
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